Bad Habits That Can Cause Depression

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Bad Habits

Depression is a mental and emotional disorder that affects thousands of Americans every year. Genetic predispositions, stress, financial problems, or death can all contribute to developing depression. However, there are some common bad habits that people partake in that can also lead to depression. Continue reading to learn about some bad habits that can cause depression.

Lack of Exercise

While everyone knows that a lack of exercise can lead to obesity and health problems such as heart disease, few realize that lack of movement can also lead to depression. When we do physical activity our brains release a chemical called serotonin that elevates our mood and gives us a good feeling. Failure to do any physical activity or exercise can cause feelings of lethargy, hopelessness, and contribute to depression.

Lack of Vitamin Enriched Diet

The brain thrives on Omega-3 fats that build brain tissue and guard against depression. Omega-3 is found in foods such as seafood and wild game. People who don't eat these brain-enriching foods are more prone to developing depression. If you don't like seafood or wild game, take a vitamin supplement such as fish oil that contain high amounts of Omega-3.

Bad Sleeping Habits

Another bad habit that can lead to depression is the way you sleep. It is recommended that people get six to eight hours of sleep every night for the brain to function properly. If you get too much sleep, you can wake up with the same symptoms as if you didn't get enough sleep. You will feel lethargic, irritable, and unable to concentrate. Lack of sleep can also lead to depression and depression headaches which make daily chores and tasks harder to perform.

Eating Sugary Foods

Eating foods high in sugar and carbohydrates can lead to depression. These types of substances are inflammatory and should be included very minimally in a diet. If you are prone to crave sweets, experts agree that there is a healthier way to satiate your sweet tooth. Fruits contain a natural form of sugar that doesn't lead to depression. Vegetables are also a great way to get much-needed antioxidants vital to keeping the brain healthy and making depression less of a risk.

Going it Alone

People who isolate themselves away from others have a higher tendency to get depression. Humans are meant to be social beings, and talking through problems is a great way to alleviate stress and get suggestions on how to handle certain life issues. People who also have a habit of never asking for help are more prone to depression, as well. If you have friends or family or a spouse in your life who can help carry economical and emotional loads, be sure to share the burden and not try to do everything yourself.
These are just some of the bad habits that can cause depression. Depression isn't to be taken lightly, and if left untreated can become worse. If you find yourself partaking in any of the bad habits listed above and have feelings of sadness, irritability, loss of interest, or suicidal thoughts, contact your medical professional right away. Depression can be treated with counseling, coping strategies, therapy, and anti-depressant medications. Now you know more about the bad habits to avoid to keep depression at bay.
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