Get Noticed with 15 Awesome Email Ideas

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Get Noticed with 15 Awesome Email Ideas
Email newsletters: a great way to keep your clientele up to date, attract new business and promote your latest products and services. You know you should be sending out these emails regularly, but the problem is – you’re stumped. When the time rolls around each month or season to send out another newsletter, figuring out what to write about can be a tough task. That’s where we’ve got your back.

Send an Invitation

Everyone loves to feel included, so invite your clients, friends and fans to an exclusive event, party, sale or deal. Make them feel like your event is the hottest show in town and they’ll be sure to respond.

Show Some Holiday Spirit

Whether it’s Christmas, July 4th or National Crayola Crayon Day (March 31st), holidays are always a good excuse to send out an email. Plus, they can supply you with a theme and design ideas for your newsletter. Consider your target market and pick the holidays that you think will interest them the most.

Sales and Special Offers

It may not be super original, but it works. Many customers open e-newsletters simply to see what deals you are offering inside. From coupons and twofer offers to storewide sales, deals are always a great magnet for customers.

Say Thanks

Did you just have a record sales season? Are you celebrating 10 years in business? Whatever the reason, be sure to say thank you to the loyal customers and supporters who helped you reach this milestone. You may even want to toss in a coupon as a token of your gratitude. Your customers will surely appreciate your graciousness.

Breaking News!

Customers are more likely to read emails that share cutting edge news and time-sensitive stories. If something new and exciting is going on in your business or your field, be sure to capitalize on the moment and share it with everyone on your mailing list.

Introduce a New Team Member

Are you a small business with a staff that many of your clients know personally? If so, then they’ll definitely be interested in knowing when you’ve added a new person to the team. Give your latest hire a special corner in your next newsletter, complete with photo and bio. This will help clients connect personally to your business and regular customers will be glad to feel like they’re in the loop.

Year in Review

When New Year’s Eve rolls around each December, it’s a perfect opportunity to reflect on the year gone by. Create a fun, nostalgic email newsletter highlighting the major milestones of the last 365 days. You can pack the email with statistics about the past year, anecdotes about the highs and lows, and include pictures and videos that showcase your business at work.

Give a Sneak Peek

Working on a new product? Renovating your store? Your readers will be intrigued – and feel pretty special – if you take them behind the scenes and give them a glimpse of good things to come. Since everyone likes to be the first to know, this kind of email can be very effective at boosting your open rate.

Highlight Best Sellers

You know which of your products are most popular. The items you are constantly restocking, season after season and year after year. Make a list of your most tried and true merchandise and then spotlight it in your next email. Shoot some beautiful images of your products, write a brief description and then entice your readers to purchase, straight from your newsletter!

Hold a Contest

Bring out the competitive spirit in your customers by creating a contest or raffle and invite everyone to compete. You can ask your readers to create a funny caption for a photo, Tweet a new tagline for your business or share a video on your Facebook page. Be sure to offer an enticing prize and then just sit back and wait for the responses to start rolling in. A friendly competition is a fun way to increase your customer engagement.

Share a Video

You can embed a video in any ShoutOut newsletter! Since videos are easy to create with little more than your cell phone, they offer a quick way to spice up your next newsletter. Share clips from a recent event, take readers on a virtual tour of your store or introduce them to some of your staff members. Video is a powerful tool for helping your readers connect with your business.

Request Feedback

Let your customers know that you truly value what they think. Use your next email to ask them for feedback about anything from your new logo to their favorite thing about your business. Just make sure you respond! These kinds of emails can generate conversations with your customers and provide you with creative ideas on how to improve your services or products. If you want to take it up a notch, you can also include a customer survey in your next email newsletter. Get ready to receive some valuable data about your market!


Did you just get a brand new subscriber? Why not welcome them aboard? A brief welcome email is a great way to say thanks to a new potential customer who has just signed up for your mailing list. Best of all, using Smart Actions from Wix, you don’t even have to click a button. Write a customer message and Wix will automatically send it out to all your new subscribers!


Have an event or sale coming up? Send out a brief, friendly reminder over email. Tell your fans that “it’s not too late to RSVP” for an event or participate in a promotion. You can also encourage your contacts to shop by reminding them that Valentine’s Day, Christmas or Mother’s Day is right around the corner.

Follow Us on Social

One useful marketing tip is to not be afraid to be direct with your customers and fans. Want feedback on your website? Ask them for it! Want more likes on your Facebook page? So ask! Spice up your social channels with some exciting posts and compelling videos and then ask for support in your next email newsletter. Include links to everything from your most popular Pinterest board to your new LinkedIn company profile, and of course to the usual suspects, Facebook and Twitter.
Hope the article was magnificent, Read  on The ABCs of Building a Powerful Brand
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