Corey Davis from Northern California started without anything…even without a father… and all the odds were against him. When he was a baby, his father drowned in a freak accident, leaving his mother a widow with 10 children to raise and support, all on her own.
It was the way Corey’s mother dealt with all the pain, sorrow, loneliness and unbelievable stress and the way she showed him how to be happy anytime, anywhere, in any circumstance, that led him to research and study happiness.
He interviewed people around the world about being happy, learned from the best doctors and counselors the world has to offer, and truly became an expert on happiness.
Corey’s 20-year crusade against grief and misery taught him the true secrets of happiness: Confidence, success and satisfaction.
All of this knowledge has now been collated into the bestselling ‘3 Days To Happiness Program’ in which anyone, no matter what their state of mind, can learn how to train their heart, mind and soul to achieve long lasting and enduring happiness.
…the kind of happiness that fills your soul with unbelievable purpose, meaning and direction… that help you become the amazing person you were destined to become.
Depressed? Anxious? Simply unhappy and unfulfilled?