If you're looking to save money, there are creative ways that you can do so without sacrificing your quality of life. You can build your bank account while still having a chance to enjoy your favorite activities.
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Share Wi-Fi with Neighbors
With the right wireless router, your Wi-Fi signal can travel quite a distance. Work with your neighbors to share one Wi-Fi bill instead of paying it separately.

Cancel Your Expiring Cable Contract and Start a New One
At the end of your cable contract, you will likely have to pay more money. Skip the hassle by canceling your current contract and then initiating a new one. You'll be eligible for all the great discounts that they offer.

Make Calls on Your Computer with Google Voice
Eliminate your phone bill by making free calls on your computer with Google Voice. It also gives you the option to add video, which is a better option than a phone can offer.

Put a Brick in Your Toilet Tank
Reduce the amount of water that you use per flush by putting a brick in your toilet tank. You will reduce your water use significantly each time you use the toilet.

Paint Your Roof White
Dark colors absorb heat. When it comes to your roof, this means that it brings more heat into your home. In turn, your energy bills go up. Painting your roof white can help keep the interior of your home cooler.

Drink More Tap Water
Instead of paying the price for bottled water, focus on drinking tap water. Drinking more water in general can help you save money as it helps your body feel full, when you would otherwise search for food.

Lower Default Brightness on Your TV
Lowering the default brightness on your television can help you save up to 40 percent on energy consumption. The best part comes when you don't even notice a difference with the change.

Make Your Own Coffee
Instead of spending a few dollars for a cup of coffee from your favorite coffee shop, make it at home. You can make your own cup of coffee at home for just a quarter.

Ask Companies if They Will Lower Your Costs
Simply asking companies (such as credit card and utility companies) if they can offer you a lower price can go a long way. Many companies may be able to find a discount for you and work it into your monthly bill.

Toilet Train Your Cat
Litter costs add up and, on top of that, litter boxes can be a hassle to keep clean. Instead, train your cat to use the toilet to eliminate those costs and the stinky chore.

Go to the Library
The library serves as the location to get free books, music, and DVDs. Many library systems even have electronic book networks to help you save money and still let you read on your electronic devices.

Wear Headphones When Shopping
Retailers try to get you to buy more items by stimulating your senses. Wearing your headphones can disconnect you and help you save significant money while shopping.

Think in Terms of How Many Hours You Would Have to Work
If you're eyeing a new purse or pair of shoes, figure out how many hours you would have to work to pay it off. This hack will help prevent you from spending large sums of money unnecessarily.