Every move you make…matters. There is so much one can know about you, just watching the little things you do unknowingly. The little messages or vibes you send off unwittingly is called body language. Let’s check these 15 ways your body language lets the cat out of the bag.
1. Brushing hair off your face: You want to show your best feature and you are definitely interested.
2. Long periods of eye contact: You like her. When you like someone, you will keep looking into her eyes for longer periods of time.
3. Looking down and away: You are feeling shy.
4. Crossed arms or legs: You are being defensive.
5. Lack of eye contact: You are being dishonest and deceitful.
6. Feet pointed away from you, or towards and exit: He is just not into you.
7. Rubbing/scratching your nose: You touching the bridge of the nose says, “I don’t want to be here.”
8. Touching your neck: You are insecure.
9. Hands on hip: You are red-hot angry and are itching for a fight.
10. Running his hand through your hair: You are too much into yourself.
11. Lips are pursed tightly: You are in tension and may be feeling frustration or disapproval.
12. Staring off into space: You are bored…plain and simple.
13. Touching your hair constantly: You are flirting!
14. Tilting head in your hand: Your resting the tilted head in your hand, means you are tired or bored.
15. Lips sucked in: You are thinking and uncertain about something, which could easily be bad news.