How To Impress Your Girl

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#1 Plan Something Romantic

Buy her that set of earrings she’s been admiring and stick the box in the pocket of the jeans she’s planning to wear that day. A little romance goes a long way!

#2 Write Her Love Notes

Since handwritten letters are time consuming and require some attention to detail, they’re almost like an art form. Write her a love letter and really spend some time on it.

#3 Go Somewhere For Her

Like most couples, you probably have a certain food place or store you hate but she loves. Next time she’s asking about food places or where you want to shop, suggest the places she likes and be a good sport about it.

#4 Tell Her How You Feel

Sometimes all a woman needs to hear are those three little words. Let her know that even after all this time, you still need her to know just how you feel about her.

#5 Watch A Chick Flick

Not every movie has to have exploding buildings or car chases in them. Try sitting down with her and watching a movie that she’s interested in. She’ll be thankful you’re taking an interest and will enjoy your company.

#6 You're Nice To Her Family

So, she’s got a crazy aunt and you’re pretty positive her little brother is plotting your death but if you treat them with the same kindness you show to her, it will mean the world. It will prove that you not only love her but you accept everything about her.

#7 Text Sweet Nothings

Even though life is busy and you both stay focused on your work, the minute you think of her, send her to text to let her know. You don’t have to do it every time but the occasional “I’m thinking about you” or “I can’t wait to see you tonight” will warm her heart.

#8 Surprises At Work

Women love it when their man knows that they’re special. Send her her favorite kind of flowers at work or write her a love note in a Word document and leave it open so she’ll see it on her laptop. Get creative and keep her guessing.

#9 Hold The Door

Whether it’s the door of the restaurant or the one of her car, holding the door for your girl is a classic. She knows you don’t think she needs you to do it but the fact that you do it shows her you care about her well-being and want her to feel safe and respected.

#10 Listen To Her

The old cliche is true, most women love to talk more than most men. You should let her know that you are paying attention to what she says. Ask about her day and listen to her until she’s done talking, even if that’s a very long while later.

#11 Clean Up!

If your idea of cleaning the kitchen consists of just throwing dishes in the sink then she will be extremely impressed if you actually scrubbed everything down then washed, dried and put away the dishes.

#12 Cook For Her

It will be an unexpected treat to have a meal prepared for her. Especially if she usually does all of the cooking for you. Bonus points if you create her favorite meal.

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